Thursday, November 30, 2017


Back to the 30-day blogging challenge.

Today's prompt is: "How [did] you come across blogspot, and how has your life changed since joining?"

I don't know how I came across blogspot (which is actually Blogger, now, since Google bought it). If I type in into my browser, it comes to

 I do remember years ago I was reading a blog (that has since gone private) that was on blogspot. That may have been my introduction.

How has my life changed? None, really, except I have to come up with blog posts. Which is why I do these 30-day blogging challenges and spread them out. Because coming up with things to blog about is tough for me (maybe I should have put that on my "things I suck at" post). I do like to post about college football. But other than that, I usually have no idea what to post about.

Do you blog? Do you enjoy it? How do you find things to blog about? Comment below!

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