Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo . . . Kind Of.

I know I said I wasn't doing NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month).  To be specific what I said was:
So this year I'm in the middle of a work in progress (WIP).  It's tentatively titled The Black Hole Treasure.  My goal is for it to be at least 60,000 words long.  As of this moment it is 37,855 words long.  For NaNoWriMo I promised to produce 30,000 words on this WIP (which is not what you're supposed to do).
So I'm keeping track of the words I'm writing in November and hope to write at least 30,000 words.  I have as of this moment, written 8,123 words in my WIP in the two days of NaNoWriMo.  So NaNoWriMo is working for me in that it is motivating me to work in my novel.  I went to a "write in" last night and had a blast (and wrote about 2,000 word for a total of 6,345 yesterday).  So I am doing NaNoWriMo . . . kind of.

The only problem is, on October 31st, I only had 19,538 words left to reach my word goal for The Black Hole Treasure.   So I am going to be 10,462 words short of my 30,000-word goal if I just reach the length I'm aiming for in the novel.

Now, it'll probably be longer.  I was aiming for 80,000 words for Gods of Strife (which is still at my publisher) and it ended up being over 88,000 words.  But I don't think this novel will be 17% longer than planned.  In fact, I'm a bit worried about getting to my 60,000-word goal.

So I'm sort of doing NaNoWriMo (and I have not killed my inner editor because I am still trying to make everything I write as good as possible and not just WRITE WORDS).  But toward the end I might have to find something else to write to meet my 30,000-word goal.

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