Friday, October 28, 2016

The Speculative Fiction Cantina with Rebecca Besser and S.F. Edwards

Today on the Speculative Fiction Cantina we are pleased to welcome writers Rebecca Besser and S.F. Edwards.

Rebecca Besser
Rebecca Besser

Rebecca Besser resides in Ohio with her wonderful husband and amazing son. They've come to accept her quirks as normal while she writes anything and everything that makes her inner demons squeal with delight. She's best known for her work in adult horror, but has been published in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for a variety of age groups and genres. She's entirely too cute to be scary in person, so she turns to the page to instill fear into the hearts of the masses.

Rebecca's Books:

Zombies Inside

Nurse Blood 


Rebecca's Links:


S.F. Edwards
S.F. Edwards

S.F. Edwards and family recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest after spending the last nine years as a flight and operational test engineer for the United States Air Force. Prior to that he spent his time travelling the world ensuring that self defense weapon systems of the US Navy were ready able to protect thousands of American Service members. S.F. has a diverse background in engineering as well as in aviation and space education as a former instructor at the US Space and Rocket Center's Aviation Challenge program. To this day his passion for all things aviation and space permeates his life.

S.F. currently calls the area around Edwards Air Force Base home with his wife and five sons, one of whom is afflicted with a severe, lifelong disability. The boys are his greatest joy and he works hard to make sure that they will become responsible, capable young men.

S.F. is the creator and author of the Spiral War series of military science fiction novels. S.F. is also a regular contributor to and a Veteran Reviewer with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Online Writers Workshop.

S.F.'s Books:

Spiral War: On The Cusp

Spiral War: On Dagger’s Wings 

Spiral War: In Death’s Shadow

S.F.'s Links:

Listen to today's program at 6:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM PT, or in archive here.

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