Thursday, March 27, 2025

Found an Error

Ten years ago (about), I published Treasure of the Black Hole, a science fiction adventure/detective story. 

Not to give too much of the plot away, but it does involve a black hole at one point. In describing an object in orbit around the black hole, I called the point in orbit farthest from the singularity the apoastron. "Astron" means star (like in astronomy). My thinking was a black hole is a star, or it used to be.

But according to this Wikipedia page,  the proper term is apomelasma or apobothron or aponigricon. I probably would have gone with -melasma because it's Greek for "black." Or -bothron because it's Greek for "hole."

Now is this an error that most readers will spot? Probably not. But it does bother me. A little.

And this brings me to doing research for writing. My philosophy is that unless you lived it, you can't do too much research. But what you can (and shouldn't do) is show off in your writing how much research you did. Even if you think something is really cool, don't add it to the story unless it's relative to the plot. 

But as of now, I'm wishing I had done a little more research on Treasure of the Black Hole.

Have you found an error in your work that you didn't discover until it didn't really matter anymore? Let me know in the comments below.

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