Thursday, September 26, 2024


Not my grandson
Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I've been thinking about time and how it slips by us. 

For example, my grandson just turned five years old. I remember when I met him he was just five hours old. And now it's been five years. Seems like it was only a few months, almost. He'll never be only 5 years old again. How long until he graduates high school or college?

Or my "new" car that I bought in June of 2023. It now has 18,732 miles on it and is over fifteen months old. It'll never be brand new again and it will never have only 18,732 miles on it again.

Time goes one way as far as us mortal humans know. I think about the Pink Floyd song "Time" and the line it "Sun is the same, in a relative way, but you're older / Shorter of breath and one day closer to death." At my age I have more days behind me than in front of me. I try not to let it get me down but, it's amazing how fast time is going by and how fast I'm getting closer to death.

There are all sorts of scientific theories about time. Some of them I understand (General Relativity for example) but a lot of them I don't. Can time be stopped or just slowed? Google "Twin Paradox." Well, if you travel close to the speed of light, you can slow down time. But that is impossible for humans with our current technology. Plus, even of you do travel close to the speed of light, you life won't be longer for you, just those who stay behind.

I guess I'll just keep living my life and try to make the best of the time there is left.

How does the passage of time make you feel? One day closer to death or it doesn't bother you? Let me know in the comments below.

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