Thursday, August 15, 2024


About four years ago I posted on this very blog that I can't count more than four things in one glance and without going "one, two, three, four, five..."

And I wonder about other people, do they have similar problems?

Then I read about the the Piraha Tribe of the Amazon. They have three numbers: one, two, and many.

So anything bigger than two is just "many." Which would, I think, make a civilization very difficult. 

They apparently don't have zero either.  But that's okay, neither did the Egyptians, the Romans, and the medieval Europeans until they learned it from the Muslims. 

Anyway, I felt a little better about my difficulty counting because Pirahas have similar problems. Here's about 200 people who don't even know "four" exists.

Do you have trouble counting quickly numbers that are too big? How many can you count at a quick glance? Let me know in the comments below.

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